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  • 学习《Uralian》怎么用


    Uralian magmatism: an overview
    Structure and geodynamics of the Uralian orogen
    40 Ar/ 39 Ar Thermochronology west of the Main Uralian fault, southern Urals, Russia
    The structural architecture of the footwall to the Main Uralian Fault, southern Urals
    Chromite composition and platinum-group mineral assemblage in the Uktus Uralian-Alaskan-type complex (Central Urals, Russia)
    A Paleozoic Northwest Passage and the Timanian, Caledonian and Uralian connections of some exotic terranes in the North American Cor...
    Interplay of tectonics and climate on a transverse fluvial system, Upper Permian, Southern Uralian Foreland Basin, Russia
    Origin of chromite in mafic–ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal massive sulfides from the Main Uralian Fault, South Urals, Russia
    Dual Foreland Basin Model of Continent-Continent Collision Orogenic Belt:Evidence from Dabieshan, Himalayan and Uralian Orogenic Belts
    Generation and evolution of subduction-related batholiths from the Central Urals: Constraints on the P-T history of the Uralian Orogen